Where’s Cognitopia? Visual Challenge #2

Test your “Where’s Waldo” skills here again with our once a month visual challenge. This time, the focus is the fall. Try to find each Cognitopia logo in this autumn picture…there are a total of 5 logo symbols. Each logo is a different color, allowing it to blend into the background better. Use the helpful hints if needed, including “SOLUTION” pictures if you can’t find one or all. See how long it takes to find all 5 and challenge your friends!
At the right is the symbol you’ll be looking for, which will be a good bit smaller (as in about 1/10th), and certainly different colors:

So how long did it take you to find all 5?
If this is proving tough, try some of our hints below. There are image SOLUTIONS for each hint if you get stuck. There is also an ALL SOLUTIONS image button below if you want to see all 5! Good luck!
Well, I hope that was fun! Look for another visual challenge soon. And if you missed the first installment of this VISUAL CHALLENGE series, here’s a link to enjoy!